Loin Cutlets – 75mm Chump Off
No. per carton: -
Carton weight: approx. 10kg
This cut is prepared from a 75mm chump off, 8 rib or 1 rib loin. The loin is sliced into cutlets of 17mm thickness through the backbone. Rib length - 75mm
Suckling-lamb carcass
Suckling-lamb carcass
- GR Αρνάκι γάλακτος σφάγιο
- EN Suckling-lamb carcass
- DE Milchlamm karkasse
- FR Agneau de lait carcasse
- IT Agnello da latte carcassa
- ES Carcassa de cordero lechal
Tenderloin – Butt On
No. per carton: approx. 16 x 7/VP
Carton weight: approx. 11.5kg
The tenderloin is removed from the inside of the loin cavity. The side muscle is removed and the tenderloin is trimmed of any excess fat.