Lamb short saddle
Lamb short saddle
- GR Παϊδάκια
- EN Short saddle
- DE Nierenstück
- FR Selle anglaise
- IT Carré
- ES Silla
Lamb shoulder bone-in
Lamb shoulder bone-in
- GR Σπάλα με κόκκαλο
- EN Shoulder bone-in
- DE Schulter mit knochen
- FR Épaule avec os
- IT Spalla con osso
- ES Paletilla con hueso
Lamb sweetbreads
Lamb sweetbreads
- GR Γλυκάδια
- EN Sweetbreads
- DE Bries
- FR Ris d'agneau
- IT Animelle
- ES Mollejas
Lamb tongue without larynx
Lamb tongue without larynx
- GR Γλώσσα χωρίς λάρρυγα
- EN Tongue without larynx
- DE Zunge ohne kehlkopf
- FR Langue sans larynx
- IT Lingua senza laringe
- ES Lengua sin laringe
Lamb tripes
Frozen product consisting of cleaned lamb tripes.
The tripes are emptied of any residues, then cleaned and rinsed in hot water and bleached. The final product is packed and frozen.
Lamb tripes block frozen
Frozen meat consisting of cleaned lamb tripes.
The tripes are emptied of any residues, then cleaned and rinsed in hot water. The final product is packed and frozen in block .
Lean mutton leg block shank off
Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump,without the shank, legs are slash boned and trimmed.
Final product is frozen in blocks.
Lean mutton leg block shank on
Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump and the shank,legs are slash boned and trimmed. Final product is frozen in blocks.
Lean mutton leg IWP
Frozen boneless mutton leg shank off.
Legs are separated from the carcass including the chump. Legs are slash boned, trimmed and shank removed.
Loin Cutlets – 75mm Chump Off
No. per carton: -
Carton weight: approx. 10kg
This cut is prepared from a 75mm chump off, 8 rib or 1 rib loin. The loin is sliced into cutlets of 17mm thickness through the backbone. Rib length - 75mm
Mutton chops
Frozen meat product consisting of mutton chops.
Frozen mutton rack is bandsawn producing IQF chops.
Mutton cubes 5 kg
Frozen boneless mutton cubes 4,5 cm.
The whole carcass is boned. The boneless meat is frozen in block.The blocks are bandsawed producing 4,5 cm IQF cubes.